Building a Strong Brand with Quenzel Marketing Agency
Quenzel’s branding agency team understands that BUYING AND SELLING IS AN EMOTIONAL TRANSACTION.
The more someone feels a particular need or desire and the more they perceive your brand as the best possible solution to that need or desire, the bigger your brand becomes.’ That’s what we call… Brand-Building.
Seldom is a sale based on price, a product feature, or a service benefit alone.
Instead, a sale results when the totality of many factors in the buyer’s mind — needs, wants, features, benefits, price, reputation — results in a favorable emotional attitude, not just toward the product or service you’re marketing, but towards you… the seller.
Put another way, today, the market no longer automatically rewards those with the best-funded budgets for traditional, digital, and social media advertising.
Today, the market rewards those that precede their marketing efforts with the most robust understanding of what truly matters to people.
Branding – Agency Campaigns
B2B Brand Marketing.

D Mathews Law
B2B Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Customer-Based Brand Equity.
At Quenzel Marketing, our branding agency team understands the critical role of customer-based brand equity in driving business success. By focusing on the differential effect that brand knowledge has on customer response to brand marketing activity, we enhance revenue and achieve cost savings for our clients. This blog explores the concept of customer-based brand equity, emphasizing the importance of creating the right brand experiences, achieving brand resonance, and leveraging strategic marketing activities to build strong, enduring brands.
The Essence of Customer-Based Brand Equity
Customer-based brand equity is the differential effect that brand knowledge has on customer response to brand marketing activities. It reflects how well consumers recognize and recall a brand, their perception of the brand’s quality, and their emotional attachment to the brand. By fostering positive brand knowledge, companies can achieve significant revenue enhancements and cost savings through customer loyalty, premium pricing, and efficient marketing efforts.
The marketing challenge lies in ensuring consumers have the right types of experiences to create the right brand knowledge. At Quenzel Marketing Agency, we employ a Three-Pronged, Integrated Marketing methodology to address this challenge, focusing on Strategic Marketing Services, Marketing Campaign Management, and Campaign Marketing Metrics.
Healthcare Brand Marketing.

Dr. Robert Mandraccia
Healthcare Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Brand Resonance: The Pinnacle of Brand Equity.
Brand resonance represents the extent to which customers feel “in sync” with a brand. It encompasses the intensity of the psychological bond between customers and the brand and the level of activity generated by this loyalty, such as repeat purchases and engagement with brand-related content and events.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We develop strategies that foster deep psychological bonds between consumers and our clients’ brands, creating a strong foundation for brand resonance.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns are designed to enhance brand loyalty by encouraging repeat purchases and active engagement with the brand.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We measure the effectiveness of our efforts in achieving brand resonance, tracking key metrics such as repeat purchase rates and consumer engagement levels.
Restaurant Brand Marketing.

Sanibel Seafood Grille
Restaurant Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Building Brand Resonance: The Branding Ladder.
Creating brand resonance involves a series of steps, often referred to as the “branding ladder.” This process is characterized by a logically constructed set of brand “building blocks” that ensure a comprehensive and strategic approach to brand building.
Salience: Depth and Breadth of Brand Awareness
Salience refers to how easily and often a brand is thought of by consumers, both at the point of purchase and during consumption. It involves brand recognition and recall.
Strategic Branding Marketing Services: We conduct market research to understand the depth and breadth of brand awareness among target consumers, ensuring that our clients’ brands are easily recognized and recalled.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns are designed to enhance brand salience by consistently reinforcing brand messages across various touchpoints.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We track brand recognition and recall to measure the effectiveness of our salience-building efforts.
Automotive Brand Marketing.

Volvo of Fort Myers
Automotive Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Performance & Imagery.
Functional and Extrinsic Brand Properties
Performance: This dimension refers to how well the brand meets customers’ functional needs through its intrinsic properties and inherent product benefits.
Imagery: This dimension focuses on how consumers think about a brand abstractly, encompassing four important intangible dimensions: type of user, brand personality, history and heritage, and experiences.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We identify key performance and imagery associations that help our clients’ brands achieve superior competitive positioning.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns highlight unique brand points-of-difference (PODs) and shared brand points-of-parity (POPs) to strengthen competitive positioning.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We evaluate consumer perceptions of brand performance and imagery to ensure our strategies effectively communicate the desired brand attributes.
Contractor Brand Marketing.

Dr Martineau Roofing
Construction & Contractor Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Judgments & Feelings.
Cognitive and Emotional Responses:
Judgments: Consumers form overall brand evaluations based on performance and imagery associations, including quality, satisfaction, credibility, consideration, and superiority.
Feelings: Consumers’ emotional responses to the brand can be mild or intense, positive or negative, and experiential or enduring.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We develop strategies that enhance positive judgments and evoke strong emotional responses from consumers.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns are designed to strike an emotional chord with consumers, fostering both experiential and enduring feelings.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We measure consumer judgments and feelings to assess the emotional impact of our campaigns and refine our strategies accordingly.
Retail Brand Marketing.

Denmark Interiors
Retail Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
The Four Components of Brand Resonance.
Achieving brand resonance involves optimizing four key dimensions, the first two dimensions are:
1. Behavioral Loyalty: Behavioral loyalty refers to customers’ repeat purchases and the share of category volume attributed to the brand.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We develop strategies to break down barriers at purchase and consumption points, broadening customer access and encouraging repeat purchases.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns include loyalty programs and incentives that enhance behavioral loyalty.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We track repeat purchase rates and category share to measure the success of our loyalty-building efforts.
2. Attitudinal Attachment: Attitudinal attachment occurs when customers view the brand as something special and valuable.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We help clients stake out emotional territory, celebrating the brand’s uniqueness and making it indispensable to consumers.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns highlight the emotional benefits of the brand, fostering strong attitudinal attachment.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We assess consumers’ emotional attachment to the brand to ensure our strategies resonate deeply with the target audience.
Hotel Brand Marketing.

The Plaza Historic Beach Resort & Spa
Hotel Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
The Four Components of Brand Resonance.
The next two dimensions of brand resonance that our Florida branding agency team optimizes are:
3. Active Engagement: Active engagement involves customers investing personal resources—time, energy, money—beyond the purchase or consumption of the brand.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We create opportunities for consumers to engage with the brand beyond purchase, such as joining brand clubs or participating in brand-related events.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns encourage active engagement through interactive and participatory elements.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We measure the level of active engagement to evaluate the success of our engagement strategies.
4. Sense of Community: A sense of community is when customers feel a kinship or affiliation with other people associated with the brand.
Strategic Brand Marketing Services: We develop strategies that facilitate and encourage interaction among brand users and representatives.
Brand Marketing Campaign Management: Our campaigns create opportunities for consumers to interact both online and offline, building a strong brand community.
Campaign Brand Marketing Metrics: We track community interactions to measure the effectiveness of our community-building efforts.
Destination Brand Marketing.

Sanibel Island
Destination Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Achieving Brand Resonance: A Strategic Approach.
To achieve brand resonance, it is essential to create a strong foundation by establishing proper salience and breadth and depth of your brand’s awareness, firmly establishing points-of-parity (POPs) and points-of-difference (PODs), and generating positive judgments and feelings that appeal to both the head and the heart.
Once this foundation is in place, we optimize the four dimensions of brand resonance:
1. Building Behavioral Loyalty
We break down barriers at purchase and consumption points and broaden customer access points through appropriate new distribution outlets and additional consumption opportunities.
2. Building Brand Attachment
We stake out emotional territory by creating both experiential (warm, fun, exciting) and enduring (sense of security, social approval, self-respect) emotional benefits.
3. Building Brand Community
We facilitate and encourage interaction among brand users, providing opportunities for learning, expressing loyalty, and sharing experiences.
4. Building Brand Engagement
We create opportunities for consumers to read about, talk about, think about, and engage in activities with the brand, ensuring continuous and meaningful brand involvement.
Marine Brand Marketing.

Captains For Clean Water
Marine Branding Agency - Campaign Creative
Marketing and Resonance: Maximizing Impact.
At Quenzel Marketing Agency, we understand that any marketing activity can affect multiple dimensions of brand resonance. By leveraging interactive and multiple effects, we maximize the impact of our marketing efforts. Certain product categories inherently allow for higher levels of resonance, and we capitalize on these opportunities to increase the intensity and activity of customer loyalty relationships.
Achieving Brand Resonance: Key Implications
1. Customers Own Brands: Brands must be built with the understanding that customers ultimately own and define them.
2. No Shortcuts: Building strong brands requires a long-term commitment and consistent effort.
3. Duality and Richness: Brands should have a balance of rational and emotional appeal, offering a rich and multifaceted experience.
4.Focus on Resonance: Brand resonance provides a critical focus for maximizing brand equity and customer equity.
Florida Branding Agency.

Strategic Brand Research
Voice of the Customer Research
Florida Branding Agency – Summary.
Customer-based brand equity is essential for driving business success. By creating the right brand experiences and achieving brand resonance, companies can enhance revenue and achieve cost savings.
At Quenzel Marketing Agency, we develop strategic marketing activities that overcome physical and mental barriers to purchase and consumption, strike an emotional chord with consumers, catalyze social connections, and create meaningful opportunities for brand interactions.
Through our Three-Pronged, Integrated Marketing methodology, we ensure our clients achieve optimal brand equity and lasting customer loyalty.