Marketing Agency, Fort Myers | Florida Marketing Agency

Marketing Agency, Fort Myers | Florida Marketing Agency2024-09-09T12:46:02-04:00

Quenzel Marketing Agency.

Three-pronged infographic illustrating Integrated Marketing Management. The first prong, titled 'Strategic Marketing Services,' includes Fresh-Eyes Review, Voice of the Customer Research, and Quick-Start Action Plan. The second prong, 'Marketing Campaign Management,' covers Customer Acquisition, Customer Optimization, and Customer Retention. The third prong, 'Campaign Marketing Metrics,' details Tracking, Analysis, and Reporting & Continuous Improvement.

3-Prongs to Marketing Excellence

Quenzel Marketing Agency

Since 2005, Quenzel Marketing Agency has expertly crafted hundreds of marketing campaigns, integrating thousands of innovative ideas and strategies. Over the past 19 years, we’ve distilled our experiences into a refined methodology, embracing proven principles and best practices. This data-driven approach translates into powerful marketing procedures designed to maximize the impact of a client’s marketing budget.

The agency’s signature Three-Pronged, Full-Service, Integrated Marketing Management Model embodies these best practices. Year after year, our marketing agency’s commitment to these best practices consistently delivers a 15% to 40% boost in results… without increasing overall spending on marketing.

Quenzel’s Three-Pronged, Full-Service, Integrated Marketing Management methodology delivers:

Strategic Marketing Mindset: Effective marketing starts with a solid strategy. Our Strategic Marketing Services provide a fresh perspective on your marketing efforts, rooted in deep insights about the key customer decision-drivers.

We conduct Voice of the Customer Research to better understand the buying behavior of the core target customer and define the optimal brand value proposition and messaging architecture. We also prepare a competitive analysis to measure how your business stacks up against the competition from your customers’ viewpoint. This helps us identify your unique strengths and areas for improvement, enabling you to outmaneuver competitors effectively.

Improved Marketing Campaign Effectiveness: To turn the strategy into actions aligned and working towards your business goals, we create specific, measurable and accountable monthly marketing campaigns. We orchestrate your various marketing activities across a range of marketing campaign platforms to help your business acquire more new customers, optimize revenue from current customers and retain the loyalty of high-yield/high-volume customers.

From digital marketing communications and website activities to traditional advertising efforts, our cohesive approach amplifies your message and ensures consistent brand presence. This includes testing and identifying shifts in customer behavior in response to various marketing tactics, diverse challenges and new opportunities.

Enhanced Campaign Metrics Tracking and Reporting: Continuous improvement is the cornerstone of effective marketing. Our Campaign Marketing Metrics Services provide the tools and insights needed to fine-tune your efforts and maximize ROI. We meticulously track, analyze, and report the performance of each campaign.

We determine the sales-effectiveness and cost-efficiency of multiple marketing approaches, directly impacting key business success metrics, providing detailed insights to quickly provide actionable data that uncovers specific customer buying barriers and reveals key marketing levers to change customer buyer behavior.

The Quenzel Difference: Leadership, Collaboration, and Innovation

1. Client-Centric: We prioritize understanding your business and your customers, ensuring that our strategies are aligned with your goals and deliver tangible results.

2. Strategic Expertise: With nearly two decades of experience, we bring a wealth of knowledge and a fresh perspective to your marketing challenges.

3. Comprehensive Services: From strategic planning to campaign management to performance metrics, a full suite of marketing services tailored to your business.

4. Proven, Measurable Results: Our Three-Prong, Full-Service, Integrated Marketing Management approach consistently delivers a 15% to 40% boost in marketing performance without increasing your budget.

Prong One

Strategic Marketing - Agency Services

Prong One: Strategic Marketing Services.

Quenzel’s Strategic Marketing Services team helps you gain a competitive edge. We uncover unique customer insights, identify the best brand value proposition, and develop effective brand messaging and marketing strategies to influence buyer behavior.

Planning: The 2nd Most Hated Word in Business

Many business owners, managers, and marketers reflect on their performance and think about how to improve. However, successful leaders take the time to plan effectively. Our Strategic Marketing Services team knows that great Business, Brand, and Marketing Strategies start with a fact-based understanding of how your core customers feel about your brand today and clarity on how you want them to feel after experiencing your marketing.

Our Process

Our Strategic Marketing process provides a documented, fact-based understanding of your core customers and what drives their brand choices. The final output clearly addresses the most critical business, brand, and marketing issues. This process helps your team understand these issues’ interrelationships and offers a framework for making the best strategic decisions.

Strategic Marketing Services | Winning in the Marketplace

Strategic Marketing – Agency Approach

A Strategic Approach to Winning in the Marketplace

Achieving Higher Marketing Response Rates

To significantly increase marketing response rates without spending more, it’s crucial to deliver the right marketing mix for each client’s specific needs and goals. This involves identifying the:

  • Right Message to the…
  • Right Prospects at the…
  • Right Time with the…
  • Right Price and the…
  • Right Offer to create the…
  • Right Reason to act…
  • Right Now!

Our Strategic Marketing Services team works to find the best customer value proposition and the most effective messaging strategy to drive the desired customer behavior.

During the strategic research and planning stage, we focus on answering the key questions that lead to increased marketing response rates without additional spending.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Strategic Service | Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review

Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review

Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review - Agency Process

Today’s power lies with informed and empowered customers. Our Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review℠ offers a structured approach to gather information, organize insights, and make fact-based decisions.

This review identifies quick wins to help you spend your budget more efficiently, gain a competitive edge, and achieve better results.

The Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review provides a data-driven understanding of what your core customers want and how your brand meets those needs. The result is a clearer view of your customers, competitors, and value proposition—from the customer’s perspective.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Strategic Services | Voice of the Customer Research

Voice of the Customer Research

Voice of the Customer Research - Agency Process.

The agency’s Voice of the Customer Research℠ identifies the key ideas that drive the customer behavior changes our clients want to see. This strategic marketing service measures the most important benefits that a client’s target customers seek when choosing a brand.

Our research provides unique insights into what customers and potential customers believe and perceive about the key benefits of the client’s products and services, including added-value benefits and unique competitive advantages.

This service also offers insights into how your core target customers view your competitors. We analyze their value propositions, key differences, and any perceived risks associated with purchasing from them.

Voice of the Customer Research helps business owners, managers, and marketers make better decisions. By segmenting customers and prospects based on preferences, brand choice, demographics, media habits, purchase considerations, and behaviors, our clients gain unique insights. These insights guide critical spending decisions, such as channel mix, promotional strategies, and product development.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Strategic Services | Quick-Start Action Plan

Quick-Start Marketing Action Plan

Quick-Start Marketing Action Plan - Agency Process

The agency’s Quick-Start Marketing Action Plan℠ sets specific, measurable goals for our agency and outlines the steps we will take to meet your business objectives:

  • Acquire more new customers (generate leads/convert prospects)
  • Maximize current customers’ spending (cross-sell, up-sell, and repeat purchases)
  • Drive loyalty among high-value/high-volume customers

We design all campaigns to drive specific customer behaviors and align customer acquisition efforts with your key business metrics. We measure the ROI of each campaign based on actual changes in consumer behavior.

By addressing customer behavior barriers and focusing on behavior change, we help clients find the best strategy to drive growth. This approach leads to higher campaign response rates without needing to increase your marketing budget significantly.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Prong Two

Marketing Campaign Management

Prong Two: Marketing Campaign Management.

To execute your marketing plans on time and within budget, Quenzel’s Marketing Campaign Management team delivers effective campaigns for new customer acquisition, customer optimization, and high-yield customer loyalty.

Execution… Execution… Execution.

Understanding your customers, competition, and brand is crucial for growth, but effective execution turns that understanding into value. Many businesses lack the internal resources and skills for integrated brand management. This is where Quenzel & Associates can help.

Our team handles all aspects of your monthly marketing efforts, including TV, radio, print, outdoor, direct mail, digital communications, and website activities. We provide all copywriting and graphic design, produce and traffic materials, negotiate media terms, and track campaign performance. This service is like having a full-service marketing department at a fraction of the cost.

It’s like having a full-service, professional, marketing department on staff, but at a fraction of the cost.

Quality Process: Marketing Campaign Management.

Full-Service, Integrated Marketing Campaign Management

Marketing Campaign Management: Quality Process

Full-Service, Integrated Marketing Campaign Management - Agency Process

Marketing can be a science. Proven principles and correct facts make it a safe investment. Our services include:

  • New Customer Acquisition: Acquire new customers at a profitable cost.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Optimize revenue from current customers through cross-sell, up-sell, and other programs.
  • Growing Customer Loyalty: Retain high-value customers by adding value without reducing profits.

We focus on driving specific customer behaviors, tying customer acquisition efforts to your key business metrics. We measure the ROI of each campaign based on actual behavior change.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Customer Acquisition Marketing Campaigns.

Customer Acquisition Campaign Management

Marketing Campaign Management: Customer Acquisition

Full-Service, Customer Acquisition Marketing Campaign Management - Agency Process

Our team provides strategic, creative, production, and ROI tracking services, optimizing your marketing investment. We use a data-driven approach, combining analysis of past performance with Voice of the Customer Research. This results in a Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review and a Quick-Start Marketing Action Plan to grow your business.

We help clients benchmark performance, research competitors, hold ideation workshops, and develop implementation plans. Our team manages all aspects of traditional media advertising, digital media advertising, PPC marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and website marketing.

That’s another reason.. Our Clients Get More Customers.

Customer Optimization Marketing Campaigns.

CRM Campaign Management

Marketing Campaign Management – CRM

Full-Service, Customer Relationship Marketing Campaign Management.

Today’s informed consumers gather information and make brand decisions differently. If you don’t know how today’s consumer gathers information & makes decisions on what brands they choose to buy; you’re going to be left behind in the race for business growth.

Our CRM team develops strategies to build lasting customer relationships. We define the necessary performance levels and standards to ensure complete customer satisfaction and profitability build lasting customer relationships.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Customer Loyalty Marketing Campaigns.

Customer Loyalty Campaign Management

Marketing Campaign Management – Customer Loyalty

Full-Service, Customer Loyalty Marketing Campaign Management - Process

Successful businesses need a growing base of loyal, repeat customers.

To grow your base of loyal repeat customers, our Customer Loyalty Marketing team focuses on delivering a loyalty value proposition based on the four key drivers of true customer loyalty: relationship, price, product, and brand reputation.

We help clients design and execute strategies that reward loyal customers based on their spending, behavior, and profitability relative to other customers.

Our process helps you understand your most loyal customers, differentiate them from less loyal customers, and identify the drivers of loyalty.

We analyze loyalty economics, the cost-effectiveness of current programs, and determine the right investment to retain the loyalty of different customer segments.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Prong Three

Campaign Marketing Metrics

Prong Three: Campaign Marketing Metrics.

To accurately track, report, and improve performance, Quenzel’s Campaign Marketing Metrics team provides advanced ROI tracking, reporting, and analysis. This enables continuous improvement in your marketing response rates and overall business results.

Converting Ideas Into Invoices:

Innovation is key to gaining a competitive edge. Many executives think of innovation as a big, breakthrough idea. However, successful executives know that true success comes from focusing on continuous improvement and better use of marketing dollars.

Quenzel’s Campaign Marketing Metrics team tracks, analyzes, and reports on the impact of each campaign. They also assess the performance of each creative effort, media channel, and channel mix. This allows our Marketing Campaign Management team to cut unproductive efforts and redirect budgets to more effective ones.

Our focus on measurement drives market insights, leading to continuous improvement in our clients’ business results.

Our process tracks, measures, analyzes, and reports on each campaign’s creative, offer, media channel, and media mix performance. This helps our team quickly eliminate unproductive efforts and shift budgets to more effective marketing strategies.

Our Campaign Marketing Metrics provide a solid framework for making strategic, creative, and media investment decisions. This leads to continuous improvement in marketing performance and a long-term competitive advantage.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Campaign Metrics | Spending and Business Performance.

Campaign Marketing Metrics – Agency Approach

Linking Marketing Spending to Business Performance.

Quenzel’s 3-Pronged Integrated Brand Marketing Management approach focuses on Continuous Performance Improvement.

Our Campaign Marketing Metrics team accurately tracks, measures, analyzes, and reports on your marketing campaign’s creative, offers, media channels, and media mix performance.

This lets us quickly cut unproductive efforts and redirect budgets to more effective ones.

We meet with every client monthly to hold ourselves accountable for measurable results that directly impact their business.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Multi-Channel Tracking Challenges | Campaign Metrics Services

Multi-Channel Tracking Challenges

Quenzel Multi-Channel Campaign Marketing Metrics Services

Quenzel’s Campaign Marketing Metrics provide a solid framework for making the best strategic, creative, media, and channel investment decisions. Our team tracks, analyzes, and reports on the business impact of your marketing campaigns and the performance of each creative effort and media channel.

We use a proprietary approach to track and report the impact of marketing investments on business results. By monitoring daily, reviewing weekly, and reporting monthly, we quickly identify what’s working and what’s not. This helps us make the necessary adjustments to improve your campaign’s effectiveness.

Our Campaign Marketing Metrics provide a solid framework for making the best strategic, creative, media, and channel investment decisions.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Marketing Campaign Creative by Business Category.

Need to Jump-Start Your Automotive Sales and Services?

Volvo of Fort Myers | Automotive Marketing

Volvo of Fort Myers | Automotive Marketing

Automotive Marketing - Agency Creative

Our Strategic Marketing Services team understands that developing a winning creative concept for your auto dealership, automotive service business, or automotive product requires clearly identifying the one thing that’s most important to your core target customer, unique to your brand & and provides an element for creative added-value persuasion.

Our automotive Marketing Campaign Management team designs unique creative elements to make your marketing rise above the noise of the marketplace. Our team builds your marketing campaign message on the principle of added-value persuasion.

Our automotive Marketing Campaign Management team ensures your marketing investment is carefully managed by establishing clear, measurable marketing campaign objectives, delivering a marketing message that addresses the one thing most important to your core target customer which makes them believe your particular automotive product, automotive service or automotive dealership is the best possible solution for them, and accurately tracking the results of every dollar spent.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

What B2B Marketing and Golf Have in Common.

Orchard Valley Supply | B2B Marketing

Orchard Valley Supply | B2B Marketing

B2B Marketing - Agency Creative

You need the Right Strategy, the Right Position, and the Right Follow Through.

For B2B business owners, managers and marketers that want to refine their Customer, Brand & Marketing Strategy, our Voice of the Customer Research quantifies both current and prospective customer’s perceptions, preferences and key behavior drivers. That data allows our team to uncover unique, new customer insights upon which we can create competitive advantage.

To accelerate business growth for B2B clients, our Florida Marketing agency helps B2B business owners, managers, and marketers refine their brand value proposition, marketing campaigns, and marketing message. We provide our B2B clients a full range of creative, production, media advertising, direct mail marketing, web design, website marketing, website management, eMail marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, pay-per-click marketing and digital marketing capabilities.

Our B2B team ensures each client’s marketing campaigns gets the right blend of new customer acquisition, current customer optimization and best customer retention marketing. Our team tracks the results of all marketing investments daily and reports those results monthly. Our focus on measurement, built on our exclusive Campaign Marketing Metrics process, enables our team to drive continuous result improvement for our B2B clients.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Laying a Strong Foundation for Contractor Growth.

Florida Coastline Construction | Contractor Marketing

Florida Coastline Construction | Contractor

Contractor Marketing -Agency Creative

To help help residential and commercial builders and contractors grow their business, our team provides efficient and effective Construction & Contractor Marketing programs to drive more leads, requests for quotes, and closed contracts.

We design, develop, and deliver marketing concepts, marketing communications and marketing ideas that convince prospective customers your construction or contracting service is the best possible solution for them.

With a strong focus on profitable marketing, our team helps clients set specific, measurable objectives, and allocate their marketing budget to achieve the objectives. The team prepares specific monthly action plans, creates your marketing message, designs your campaign materials, produces all campaign materials (TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor, Online, etc.), installs the tools for daily results tracking, reviews the success of your campaign each week, and reports your ROI results both mid-month and at the end of the month.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Driving Patient-Paid Healthcare Appointments.

Florida Marketing Agency | Healthcare

TriMix-gel | Prescription Medication Marketing

Healthcare Marketing - Agency Creative

Our Strategic Marketing Services team applies a unique combination of qualitative Voice of the Patient Research and quantitative marketplace creative and offer testing to help clients identify and/or better understand their patient’s needs, expectations, behaviors & belief system.

We help healthcare marketers quantify the key behaviors of their core target customer… what need triggers the behavior of searching for a solution, when do they act on fulfilling that need, where do they seek potential solutions to their need, why do they choose one solution (healthcare provider) over another, how do they evaluate the potential solutions to their need?

By quantifying the beliefs and behaviors of our healthcare client’s patients  and comparing those beliefs and behaviors to the desired belief and behavior (choose the client’s brand), our healthcare team can better identify the key barriers to behavior change and apply the best marketing levers to drive patient-paid growth.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Putting Heads in Resort Hotel Beds.

Hawks Cay Resort - Hotel Marketing

Hawks Cay Island Resort

Island Resort Hotel Marketing - Agency Creative

We understand Independent Resort Hotel Marketing. Our Independent Resort Hotel Marketing team understands that the quality of your strategic thinking drives your competitive advantage in the marketplace. Our team knows that winning in the marketplace starts with putting the right business, brand and marketing strategy in place.

Our Independent Resort Hotel Marketing team understands that in most cases, clients can apply a variety of marketing solutions to the business, brand and marketing challenges or opportunities that they face in the marketplace. Some marketing strategies will be more effective at driving results than others. Some marketing strategies will cost less than others.

Our Independent Resort Hotel Marketing team conducts a Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review and prepares a Quick-Start Marketing Action Plan to help our our independent resort hotel clients identify an integrated business, brand & marketing strategy that’s uniquely right for them… maximizing both effectiveness & cost-efficiency.

That’s another reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Growing Real Estate Listings, Leads & Appointments.

Florida Marketing Agency - Real Estate

Team Stacey | Real Estate Marketing

Real Estate Marketing - Agency Creative

Our Fresh-Eyes Marketing Review and Voice of the Customer Research help our real estate marketing clients see their customers, competitors, brand and business from a unique, new perspective. Our real estate marketing team leverages these new perspectives to identify new opportunities for growth. Our team turns these insights into a new or refined brand value proposition, brand position and brand message.

Our Quick-Start Marketing Action Plans turn opportunities into focused actions to help our real estate clients acquire more new customers, optimize revenue from existing customers and retain the loyalty of their best customers. Our team works closely with clients to ensure crisp execution of their marketing plans for growth.

Perhaps most importantly, however, our Campaign Marketing Metrics provides the R.O.I. tracking, analysis and reporting, which enables continuous improvement in our real estate client’s business results.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Growing Retail Store Traffic, Online Sales & Revenue.

Mario's Italian Meat Market | Retail Marketing

Mario’s Italian Meat Market & Deli

Retail Marketing - Agency Creative

Our Strategic Marketing Services team understands that driving store traffic requires the delivery of a highly meaningful message to a prospective customer. To ensure our team consistently delivers the right information about the right products & services to the right customers at the right time with the right offer, we  start by conducting Voice of the Customer Research.

Our retail Marketing Campaign Management team analyzes your past-period metrics, and develops proprietary sales-funnel ratios. We quantify your competitive position, the effectiveness of your marketing messaging, and the strength of your value proposition. We work with clients to set quantifiable marketing objectives, and allocate marketing budgets. We develop specific action plans to achieve your goals.

Our retail Marketing Campaign Management team also crafts your marketing message reflect prospective customer’s experiences, current needs and future desires. That means our retail clients get a highly meaningful message that breaks through the competitive noise with an enticing offer and strong call to action.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Cooking-Up More Restaurant Covers, Beverage Sales & Revenue.

Summerlin Jake's Seafood & Steaks | Restaurant Marketing

Summerlin Jake’s Seafood & Steaks | Restaurant

Restaurant Marketing - Agency Creative

Our restaurant marketing team understands that the business goals, competitive situation, and marketing budget of each client demand a custom-tailored solution.

Our restaurant team helps restaurant owners, managers and marketers achieve their business, brand & marketing objectives by identifying and segmenting their current revenue streams by key product and service category. The team also analyzes the major marketing cost drivers.

Our restaurant team analyzes your restaurant’s past-period marketing metrics, revenue-funnel ratios, cost per customer & average customer tenure. Our restaurant team can develop lifetime value models to guide future business-building investments.

Our team quantifies the actual number of new reservations, covers, and average ticket price required to achieve our client’s overall sales, revenue, cost & profitability goals. From this analysis, our team can accurately project the required marketing budget to achieve the desired business objectives.

Our restaurant marketing team provides restaurant owners, managers and marketers a complete range of creative, production, media advertising, direct mail, web design, website content development, website management, eMail, social media, search engine optimization, pay-per-click and digital advertising capabilities.

That’s one reason… Our Clients Get More Customers.

Build an In-House Marketing Team or Hire a Professional Marketing Agency?

Trying to figure out whether you should hire a marketing agency or build an in-house marketing team? The decision can be tough and often confusing.

In-House Marketing Team

Common Challenges of Inhouse Marketing Departments:

  • Lack of specialized knowledge
  • Untrained talent
  • Systems and technology
  • Complacency, Conservative culture
  • Process accountability, accuracy and integrity
  • Politics, power struggles and silos

Hiring a new employee and bringing them into your company can be an expensive and time-consuming task. Once hired, a business or organization also needs to spend time and money training the employee.

After identifying, hiring and training an employee, businesses still need to spend time and money managing the employee and making sure they stay on task.

The skills, experience, and expertise that an experienced, professional marketing agency would provide to do the job right, requires a relatively premium level of talent.

Best Practices for any business or organization that wants to drive significant year-over-year growth, typically calls for the following three professional marketing activities in any In-House Marketing Department:

  • Create the Marketing Strategy (market analysis, customer research, and marketing performance metrics).
  • Execute Marketing Campaigns (monthly action plans/budgets, website marketing, PPC marketing, eMail marketing, Social Media marketing, Digital advertising, Traditional advertising), and
  • Inspect Campaign Marketing Metrics (tracking, analysis, and reporting).

Below we provide visibility into the current salary levels for a variety of key marketing roles that a business or organization would need to build an effective In-House Marketing Team.

  • U.S. Average: As of May 16, 2024, the average hourly pay in the United States for someone in marketing is $32.69 an hour.
  • Southwest, Florida Average: The Marketing job market in both Fort Myers, FL and the surrounding area is very active. For someone in marketing in the Fort Myers, FL and surrounding area the average hourly pay is $31 per hour.

The list below shows the average annual salary for selected marketing roles in the US. The average annual salary for the selected marketing roles in the Fort Myers, FL and the surrounding area would be about 6% less.*

  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO): The role of a CMO is the highest-paying marketing job in this sector. The average salary for the position is $343,918 annually in the U.S.
  • Marketing Director: The average salary of a marketing director in the U.S. is $181,405 per year.
  • Communications Director: Communications directors earn $179,812 per year on average.
  • Database Marketing Executive: This is another well-paying marketing job that offers an average salary of $127,191 per year.
  • Brand Manager: The average annual salary for this role is $104,603.
  • SEO Specialist: Experienced SEO specialists earn an average salary of $129,969 per year.
  • E-commerce Marketing Specialist: E-commerce marketing entails designing and implementing promotional marketing campaigns to increase customer engagement. The average salary for this role in the U.S. is $88,428 per year

*Please note all salary figures have been taken from

Professional Marketing Agency

Professional Marketing Agency: On the flip side, with a marketing agency, it’s a whole other relationship.

When hiring a professional marketing agency, a business or organization spends relatively no time or expense providing office space, on-boarding, training, and managing.

The fees for a professional marketing agency to provide a full-service, integrated marketing management team for your business or organizations needs will range from a low of $3,000 to $5,000 per month to a high of $10,000 to $20,000 per month, depending on the size of the business or organization and the specific marketing needed.

The result? More free time to do what owners, managers, and marketers do best… run the business or organization.

9 Specific Benefits of Working with Quenzel Marketing Agency:

  1. Save Time: By making Quenzel Marketing Agency accountable for pro-actively planning, creating and running the marketing campaigns that support a client’s monthly business-building efforts, they save time. The agency’s dedicated Marketing Campaign Management staff provides a level of experience and expertise to ensure your marketing stays on track and your business builds momentum.
  2. Reduce Costs: Many business owners, leaders, managers and marketers think engaging a professional marketing agency is costly. Quenzel Marketing Agency is very cost-effective. Time and time again, clients find the agency is more cost-effective than hiring full-time, internal staff. The average salaries for in-house marketing roles can be high. As an out-sourced marketing department, client’s don’t incur costs for payroll, payroll taxes or benefits like healthcare. An agency can provide access to the wide range of specific skills to continuously plan, create, implement and measure marketing activities for between $4,000 and $10,000 per month, depending on the services needed. In addition to providing quality talent, the agency also provides the necessary tools for marketing, saving client’s the cost of buying these tools.
  3. No Training Required: Time-consuming and expensive are two words often used to describe the investment in hiring and training new, in-house,  marketing staff. With Quenzel Marketing Agency, there’s no need for training. We provide a team of experienced experts ready to start working on your campaigns immediately. Our team offers specialized skills like customer research, strategic planning, marketing campaign management, measuring campaign metrics, and more, which are hard to find in a single hire.
  4. Industry Expertise: We stay up-t0-date on the latest marketing trends and practices. We research your market and competition. We analyze your target audience’s behavior and optimize your campaigns to ensure effective marketing spending.
  5. Fresh Ideas: We seek and see the big picture. Our Campaign Marketing Metrics team continuously assesses each client’s current performance and suggests improvements. We identify new target audiences and advise on the messaging and offers that engage them the most.
  6. Scalable Services: As our clients grow, so do their marketing needs. We offer scalable services that adapt to each client’s changing business, brand and marketing requirements. Quenzel Marketing Agency can easily pick-up the increased workload, offsetting the need to expand headcount.
  7. Measurable Results: The agency’s Campaign Marketing Metrics team tracks the performance of each client’s marketing campaigns using the agency’s unique, integrated marketing metrics funnel process. The team provides regular reports and audits to help clients understand their return on investment (ROI). This ensures our clients know exactly how their marketing efforts contribute to their business goals.
  8. Access to Advanced Tools: Today, marketing requires various tools for analytics, keyword research, competitor analysis, and more. These tools can be expensive. We already invest in these tools, so clients can benefit from the tools without incurring the costs.
  9. Professionalism and Storytelling: We excel at engaging prospective customers to clients. We effectively craft and efficiently spread your message. We enhance your brand’s visibility to raise your brand’s awareness among high potential buyers.

W orking with Quenzel Marketing Agency saves our client’s time, reduces costs, and delivers the expert services they need to help grow business.

Bonus: Access to a Team of Experts.

If you decide to hire an agency, you have access to a team of experts.

Clients often cite a our marketing agency’s experience working on similar campaigns in the past or with previous clients in the same industry as the number one benefit to hiring Quenzel Marketing.

Clients get better results, save time and spend less by leveraging the agency’s previous experience with what works and what doesn’t.

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