Marine Advertising | Agency Services
Marine Advertising | Agency Creative
Captains for Clean Water

Captains for Clean Water
Marine Advertising - Agency Creative
Cutting through the clutter of today’s noisy marketplace and communicating effectively with your customers, prospective customers & other key audiences requires a distinctive visual signal. If you want to shape perceptions of your brand, you can’t simply claim you’re innovative, fun, or edgy. You need to show it.
Marine advertising that gets noticed and connects with the core target audience you want to influence, isn’t about listing the various functional benefits your business, brand, products, and services delivers. It’s about understanding how your customers and prospective customers feel when engaging with your business, brand, products.
Finally, a successful marine advertising campaign requires discipline. Quenzel’s research shows it’s best to limit the brand dimensions you communicate to what matters most to buyers and prospective buyers. The fewer the dimensions (three or four core values), the more effective the message.
Offshore Sailing School

Colgate Offshore Sailing School
Marine Advertising - Agency Creative
Messaging Is Not Copywriting. Messaging Precedes Copy.
Messaging: Messaging is the identification and documentation of the core concept you want your customers to understand. A marketing message is typically a one-sentence expression of how your business, brand, and products/services:
- Meet an important customer need.
- Differ from the competition.
Core Message: Success doesn’t mean that your customers actually remember any of your specific messages but rather that they come away with a positive feeling (for example, reassured, energized, or impressed with quality or affordability), which they then associate with your brand.
Fish-Tale Marina

Marina Advertising Creative
Fish-Tale Boat Rentals

Fish-Tale Marina
Integrated Marina Advertising Creative
Competitive Differentiation: Messages that communicate important benefits that set you apart from your competition, win sales. You should use no more than three or four differentiating messages, and you should base each one on meeting a critical customer need. You can weigh the importance of your differentiating messages, and you should combine them to build your single net impression.
Convincing: Messages that highlight product features and capabilities that deliver the benefits your core target audience seeks or desires, perform better. For each message about Competitive Differentiation, you should have several substantiating messages.
Consistency: Research has revealed that consumers do not remember a marketing message until they hear it about seven times (depending on the medium). When you deliver consistent marketing messages, you can build customer awareness and preference faster than you can with a haphazard approach.
PURRE Water Coalition

PURRE Water Coalition
Marine Advertising - Agency Creative
Whether or not it engages in advertising, every company has a basic position in the consumer’s mind. That position can be:
- Non-existent, due to a lack of awareness
- Inaccurate, because of misinformation, or
- Accurate.
Quenzel’s advertising research and experience shows that, as long as an idea isn’t opposed, repeated exposure to that idea results in the idea being accepted, sooner or later.
Quenzel’s advertising research and experience also shows that appropriate advertising can favorably inform the public’s perceptions, opinion, confidence and trust. Ultimately it can even shape consumer behavior.
So, for a firm seeking more sales they first need to consider which of the 3 basic positions they hold in the market place and then consistently communicate their most appropriate message to that marketplace.
Caloosa Catch & Release Tournament

Caloosa Catch & Release
Fishing Tournament Creative
It is seldom possible to create demand. But, if properly conceived and integrated in a practical marketing mix, advertising can increase existing demand. Three basic ways which advertising increases buyer demand, include:
Stimulate Current Customer Usage: For example, as boat owners get ready for the summer, seasonal advertising to stock-up can cause a greater use of the product.
New Product/Service Uses: If you can identify or create new uses for an existing product, advertising can increase demand.
New Buyers: Selling a product to those who have not tried it before represents another way that advertising can help increase demand.
To deliver the desired marketing, sales, and business objectives, Quenzel’s marine advertising campaign metrics identify the right marketing mix to effectively and cost-efficiently optimize your marketing spending.